Tuesday, October 3, 2017

All About That Cindy

Syntax week (or week and a half) continues as we work on fourth hour's syntactical samples and work in groups to share the syntactical patterns of sections and then chapters as a whole. If you were absent today, you will need to do as much syntactical analysis as possible on the entire chapter - that includes the "Big 6" syntax forms and additional rhetorical strategies connected with syntax. You will need all of this information for tomorrow's class as we work on identifying overall patterns of syntax, looking at examples on how to bring in evidence in paragraphs, and - as you may have surmised - be ready to write to a prompt regarding the syntax in the essay.

1: Vocab experts began - finally! - and then we continued into fourth hour syntax, which needs to be completed for tomorrow's class. In groups, you shared your syntactical findings, which you will use for homework to identify patterns of syntax utilized by Orenstein in her text. Be ready for vocab, syntax, Cindy patterns, and a lot more tomorrow.

3: Vocab experts continued forward as we have completed 12 words at this point. Afterwards, you finished up the back side of fourth hour's syntax samples and reconvened in groups to share your syntactical identifications. For homework, look over Cindy and see what patterns you notice in Orenstein's syntax.

4: We finished up the last of unit 4, which means a review on Thursday and a quiz on Friday. Following our vocab excursion, you finished identifying your class syntax and worked in groups to share all those syntactical forms in which Orenstein peppers her passage. For homework, look over Cindy and see what patterns exist in the introductory chapter.

7: We added four more words to the kitty today, and then you completed the fourth hour syntax handout. To round out the hour, you worked with your group and a new group to study the syntax of Cindy, which will be needed for tomorrow's discussion of syntactical patterns. Make sure you have some notes jotted down regarding these patterns.

For all classes, I would recommend looking over the entirety of the Cindy passage - even if you have heard about syntax from your classmates, you may want to have greater ethos and understanding of syntax throughout the whole text.

And, a new addition arrived last night. Ingram and Tango are happy to announce they have a new baby sister named Elinor Octavia. She is named after Elinor Dashwood and for her place as the eighth rabbit that I have been fortunate to love. At close to three months, she is an absolute cuddle bunny, very curious while playing with her toys and her big sister, and a strong eater. The picture below is from her baby cage (you should see her big girl cage that is about twice the size), the location where we have already begun litterbox training.

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