Monday, November 7, 2016

Pathos, Pathos, Pathos

1: We looked at advertisements and a video to discuss pathos, audience, and the techniques utilized to create feeling and reaction from words and visualizations. Here is the link for the video if you would like to watch it again: For our ending moments, you were assigned the group rhetorical strategy presentation, which will require logos, ethos, and pathos. On Wednesday, groups will sign up for day of presentation, which will run each class period next week (including 2 on the block day). In the meanwhile, you should be doing something over the next couple days to prepare for the presentation.

3: You completed the vocab quiz for unit 16. We then gathered on the floor to look at pathos in advertising, relying on a few old Nike ads and how they sold an idea of female empowerment instead of just shoes. For our ending moments, you were assigned the group rhetorical strategy presentation, which will require logos, ethos, and pathos. On Wednesday, groups will sign up for day of presentation, which will run each class period next week (including 2 on the block day). In the meanwhile, you should be doing something over the next couple days to prepare for the presentation.

7: We expedited the vocabulary review so that we could cram all the pathos we need into the remaining of the class: a photograph and its emotional reactions without a caption and with a caption; advertisements eliciting humor, melancholy, empathy, and a slew of emotions; a video creating more than one feeling using music, interview, images, and other techniques. The link for the video is above in the first hour recap. For our ending moments, you were assigned the group rhetorical strategy presentation, which will require logos, ethos, and pathos. On Wednesday, groups will sign up for day of presentation, which will run each class period next week (including 2 on the block day). In the meanwhile, you should be doing something over the next couple days to prepare for the presentation.

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