Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fallacies 1 & 7

Today's classes centered around fallacies, the illogical mistakes writers, advertisers, and politicians make in their arguments. While fallacies are not intentional to the creator, they do create emotional responses from the audience and betray our want of logical decisions.

In regards to the packet, we have reviewed its 15 fallacies. While these are not all the fallacies available, these are used quite often by writers and in multiple choice questions on the AP exam. (If you pull up a list online of fallacies, you will find a variety of ones. I just read about "I Wish I Had a Magic Wand" fallacy. I have never heard of this one, but I suspect Harry Potter might be involved.

Then, we looked at further examples -- thank you DirectTV for creating your slippery slope advertisements.

With such inspiration, groups then created commercials -- varying from chocolate to yogurt to water bottles -- utilizing fallacies. As noted in first hour, either-or fallacies go by so quickly! We will have to pay special attention to that "or" fallacy in our future readings.

For first hour, you have a copy of the Democratic Debate transcript in your student e-mail. Each partnership or group was assigned 8 pages of the speech and you will be identifying fallacies to share with the class. You will have approximately 10 minutes to prep on Friday, so feel free to utilize outside of class time if you think you will need it for quality responses.

Seventh hour, you will receive the transcript e-mail prior to class on Friday. You will receive the partner assignment during Friday's class, so do not begin thorough analysis of any particular section. You are more than welcome to take a glance at it, though.

Upcoming work will feature fallacies, rhetorical analysis (still have one prompt remaining), and multiple choice, which will make an appearance very shortly.

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