Monday, April 13, 2020

Digital Week 4/14

Our meetings went so well last week with the review of how to write a rhetorical analysis essay, how to create scintillating hooks, thesis statements, and body paragraphs, and how to analyze the purpose of rhetorical devices composed by your own brains that this week will further our review of this essay style.

I hate to be redundant, but everything is in the lesson plans that you need to do! Go there and prosper in your rhetorical analysis! I apologize for the corniness - coffee drinking big time!

Before I continue on, I just wanted to offer a little math for those of you so inclined. In normal circumstances, physically present in Room 404, you would have had 8 full essay prompts (including 2 full timed tests) and 2 mini essay prompts this quarter. With our circumstances and the AP test shortened and focused, we will have 3 full essay prompts and (maybe?) 2 mini essay prompts this quarter. All right, mathematicians, that is quite the difference in essay writing! To make up for that, we will be composing thesis statements and/or body paragraphs to keep up with the skill and not overwhelm you with so much rhetorical analysis!

This week will feature the 2 areas of focus, which can be found in the lesson plans that are posted on the shared drive and linked in Google Classroom: Kings & Queens speeches for rhetorical analysis and a team essay rhetorical analysis.

The Kings & Queens speeches were actually part of a multi-draft synthesis essay that AP Langers normally do, but not this year :( However, those speeches, and their difficult syntax and tone and spelling (no orthography rules back then) are perfect for rhetorical analysis and practicing writing body paragraphs! Hence, you have 5 speeches from King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I to peruse and take light notes on those purposes and strategies. Those speeches are also the basis of our Webex meetings this week: Tuesday will be the biography days for our two speakers (we need to get to know them and their milieu to further understand how they present themselves, their tones, and their purposes), Wednesday will be Henry VII speech analysis day, and Thursday will be all Elizabeth. While you are responsible for what you sign up for (biographical or body paragraph device rhetorical analysis), I still expect you to read through all of the sources. We are going to tie all of those speeches together at some point! And, of course, you can also take notes during meetings to help you pinpoint those devices and purposes.

The second area of focus is the team rhetorical analysis essay. I would love to say we will have this finished this week, but we that will not be happening - start this week, end next week is the plan. By Thursday, make sure to sign up for what passage you would like (maximum 3 per passage). If you don't sign up, guess who will sign up for you? Yep, me! After you claim a passage, you will individually close read the passage and take notes regarding purpose and strategies (you can make a chart if that helps you). Then, hold. Wait for Thursday afternoon's instructions that will break down the team essay and the expectations. While you can probably guess how it will work, don't collaborate until the all clear has passed.

Well, that was verbose. Keep up the work, Langers. I'll tell you those meetings last week were something else with quality of thought and engagement. Those of you who are putting in the effort are noticed and will continue to be so :)

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