Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Since I'm on this side of nervous and on coffee - during the school day, sorry in advance - as the AP Lit students are currently diving into their MC passages (please have some great passages), I need to send a note of appreciation to my first hour for doing exactly what I wanted them to do for their 2 prompt exam today - they even shut the door just as I would have!

At this point in the second practice exam cycle, first, third, and seventh hour have completed all parts of the exam! If you are thinking to yourself, wait, I have only taken (fill in the blank here) parts of the test, then you need to take this a.s.a.p. Friday's plan is to go over the MC exam (guess what I'm bonding with tonight), and the writing prompts on Monday (guess what I'm bonding with over the weekend), and the review of all on Tuesday, perhaps with buzzers involved. Don't forget the 3rd lunch sessions and after school sessions to help prepare - especially to remind you of all the terms you may need in your back pocket on the exam day.

Now, on my second cup of coffee, for fourth hour's review. Fun fact, I did not start drinking coffee (specifically iced cafe mocha in the bottle) until the AP Lit exam last year. On that day, I had 3 cups back to back and with blood not used to caffeine, it made for a very entertaining day for any in my class and Mr. Bertram. Fourth hour, due to scheduling issues, is 3/4 through the exam with the last prompt (by process of elimination, a great skill for the MC passages by the way, you probably have figured out which one it is) on Friday. If you have missed any, I would highly recommend making any sections up as I will be spending quality time with the MC passages over the next 2 days and then the writing prompts over the weekend. Your class has missed out on some of the reviewing my other classes have completed, so I highly recommend that you attend the after school sessions and the big AP Lang cram next week for additional practices. I know you already have ethos on how to take the AP Lang exam, but the repetition of terms and strategies for the prompts always helps. Jeez, I love coffee. It's even replaced by fondness for Mountain Dew.

We are one week out from the test! Personally, I have seen immense growth from all of you with your close reading and writing skills, so I am looking forward to see how you do on the culminating exam!

And for those of you planning ahead, they have moved up our call time to 7:10/7:15 in the foyer due to the size of AP Lang testers. Breakfast will be available at 6:40 (possibly earlier since I had everything ready to go super early today) and our toast will be at 7:05. Since there will be 76 of you, I may not have the supply to feed all of you a full breakfast; it will most likely be last minutes snacks and carbs for you. Therefore, you may want to have some food in your belly beforehand and bring snacks with you for in between the testing. You'd be surprised how your stomach starts craving food in the middle of a 2 hour (plus 15 minutes) writing prompt exam. We can do this!

P.S. In something completely unrelated to the AP Lang exam, shoe voting continues through next week for those of you helping to select the shoes that will represent your class. And, you may want to start voting for other pairs - the current leading shoe is not in my size.

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