Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Those Lucy Essays

I have 10 Lucy essays left to peruse this evening and so far the 8 stack is the largest of the essays. In order to prep those wanting to revise the essay for a higher score, here are a few reminders to help you attain a 9 on this assignment (which MB, NS, SG, TK, and KH did). We will discuss the revision option details during Friday's class (absentees, don't fret, we can chat next week). Remember, the revision option is for those students who turned in the essay by the deadline.


For this essay, four to five paragraphs is not enough to form a thorough argument with the following components: a specific claim, multiple examples per paragraph, warrants ending each paragraph, a separate counterclaim with evidence, a separate rebuttal with evidence, and a final conclusion.

With evidence, sticking a full sentence quote in the middle of a paragraph is distracting - as is double punctuating your cited sentences.

Citations are (author page number) or (page number) or (author), depending if you are rotating back and forth through multiple texts or focusing on just one. For instance, (L. Grealy 99) or (99) if it is clear what text is in use. For Suellen's article, since you do not have paragraph numbers indicated, you just need her last name (S. Grealy).

Announcing you have a quote is a distraction. A quote is what you put in the essay, and it does not have to be announced such. Also, there is no need to announce your counterclaim or rebuttal with these terms; the audience should tell via your diction and transitory elements.

The WOW factor earns the 9. What is "wow" this time around? As with every essay, a strong hook and conclusion will create the context of your writing and engage the audience through the entire writing. What really made the "wow" for this reader: how rhetorical terms popped up in your argument. Even though the writers were not analyzing the purpose of tone, several writers mentioned tone -- with specific tone words -- to further their argument of Lucy's character. Other terms mentioned to add extra oomph to your vernacular were diction, tone, juxtaposition, and hypophora (nice RK).

Back to the ever dwindling stack. Oh, since you have the option for revising, I somehow restrained myself from commenting all over your essays (you don't know how difficult that is -- how much I want to underline the WOW stuff and circle areas you need to revise). When you receive the essay, you will find a number and one tip at the top. As mentioned, we will go over all the details if you choose to revise - which I hope some of you will do and boost your overall score on this essay.

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