Thursday, December 22, 2016

For Those of You Interested in an Advertising Career

As many of you may recall from last year, I visit classrooms in January to help pique interest in AP Lang and let students know all the options available to them junior and senior year. (Yes, I will be out of the room during that time, but you know you will have something to keep you busy.)

Another way to call attention to AP Lang is to create a poster that grabs the eye and provides key words that would attract a student to the course. And in the past years, our department chair has blown up this poster into a mega-poster that is on the English department bulletin board second semester.

With that in mind, I have a proposal, not a modest one, for my AP Lang students.

If you would like to make a poster for AP Lang, and perhaps earn 10-20 extra credit points (dependent on effort), create one advertisement and share/e-mail it to me by 7:00 a.m. on January 4. This will need to be in digital format.

You will find below some facts about the course that you may want to include; however, you can also bring in stuff you have learned or liked this semester to encourage a student to take the course. Remember, this is an advertisement and prospective students walking down the hall will not stop to read full sentence explanations. The winning poster will be selected by another teacher or staff member and will receive an additional 10 extra credit points.

AP Lang Facts:

  • Junior and seniors
  • Full year course with an objective to pass the AP Language and Composition exam in May
  • College credit earned through test scores and/or dual credit enrollment
  • Curriculum focuses on the components of the AP Language and Composition Exam: multiple choice, rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and synthesis
  • Close reading strategies and analyses of short passages, varying literary genres, and modes of discourse
  • Non-fiction textual emphasis: autobiographies, biographies, diarists, critics, essayists, and writers of history, politics, science, and nature
  • AP prompt writing skills and practices to foster mature writing style and analysis
  • Writings will include expository, narrative, analytical, argumentative, and research-based techniques
  • Full-length texts are 2 memoirs during the school year
  • No summer reading

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