Thursday, August 10, 2017

AP Lang Round 7

Welcome to AP Language and Composition, which is currently entering its seventh season, iteration, round, or version, depending on your diction preferences.

AP Language differs from your average English class. How so? Other than we deal (primarily) in the realm of non-fiction, our class concentrates on three areas of writing: rhetorical analysis (the what and the why), argumentation (claims and whatnot), and synthesis (incorporating multiple texts and citations). Underneath the umbrella of each area, we will study modes of discourse, multiple choice strategies, and writing methods to help you for AP testing and college-level writing and analyses.

My goal is to help you become college writers, perform at the highest level on the AP exam, and generally create a team atmosphere of learning. While writing eventually becomes a solo sport, the means to success come from a collaborative camaraderie. The outside points of view, the revising peers, the random discussions, and any interpersonal activities pays dividends in the long run.

While you are waiting impatiently to have the syllabus in your hands, I would like to give you a few suggestions for common writing errors. Instead of typing out all these hints again, I will advise you to check out the links to blogs from last year's course. While we will be working on all of these items at some point during the class, you may start improving these mechanical faults at the start of the year and from your own study as well.


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