Friday, May 24, 2019

American Lit Day 4

Today's class was all about Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Pearl, a.k.a. the character study of sin, internal and external, and Puritan values. If you were absent, you do not need to read the entirety of The Scarlet Letter. However, you do need to know characters, symbol meaning, and general plot developments. I would recommend checking out a summary online to prep for the next quiz. We have 2 classes left, which means Romanticism on Tuesday and Modern on the final day.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

American Lit Day 3

In the continuation of our American Literature agenda, we acted out Arthur Miller's The Crucible. If absent, you should note the biography of Arthur Miller, Act II of the play, and the cast list to know the names of our characters, which we had 11 featured.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

American Lit Day 2

After our quiz today, we resumed our highlight package of American Lit.

The previous blog has links to some of our texts, so you may want to check there or just google to find more info.

1: We read Bradstreet's "Burning of our House" and "To My Dear and Loving Husband," looked at the Salem Witch Trials, talked about the Red Scare, McCarthyism, the HUAC, the Hollywood 10, and all of those figures (if you haven't studied this time in history, you may want to read some history websites).

3 & 5: We have made it through all of first hour's agenda plus looked at Arthur Miller, his main plays, and his marriages. If you don't know much about Miller, you may want to check out a brief article about his works and life prior to next class.

All hours will be acting out The Crucible tomorrow, so I hope you are ready to be Puritans!

Monday, May 20, 2019

American Lit Day 1

Post AP test, post allusion quest, we will spend the rest of our time brushing up on American literature and its significance components. Thus far, we have looked at Native American and Puritan goings-on. Below will be links to readings that we have completed in your particular class for those who were absent or those who want to review prior to our quiz next class. You may want to look at other hours to preview texts that we have yet to read.




  • Texts from first and third hours.
  • A surprising note of Puritan affection with To My Dear and Loving Husband.
  • The start of the Salem Witch Trials, an overview of the first 6 months. Witch Trails Chronology gives the background of what happened with the significant people and eventual characters of The Crucible. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The MC Review

With all four parts of our final test completed, we have commenced the review and reminder days prior to the actual AP exam. Today's class focused on the MC portion with tips regarding summarizing and how to answer the plethora of questions for those 4-5 passages. Next time around, we will work with the remaining writing prompts in preparation for the test next Wednesday. If you need further review and practice prompts, review sessions will be after school on Monday and Tuesday. We are almost there!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Still Testing

As I continue to forge my way through the AP Lit exams, you are completing your second practice exam. At this point in time, first hour has completed the exam and third and fifth hours have the MC to go. If you have missed any parts of the exam, do make plans to schedule a make-up time. Otherwise, you may have to  miss out on our review days to take the exam portion(s).