Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Just in Time for the Test

We are just 2 weeks and a bit away from the actual AP Lang exam! After chatting some fifth hour Langers yesterday, it seems that you have learned a great deal regarding rhetorical strategies, exemplifying arguments, improving your diction, and accepting timed prompts into your existence.

Due to the hodgepodge that is the schedule, different hours are completing different components of the second full practice exam, which also happens to be your final. If you miss any parts of the exam, it is up to you to schedule a make up time and complete this marker of how you will do on the real exam. And if you checked your e-mail, I did send you a thorough plan for the remainder of the semester.

1st hour =  Synthesis Monday, Dual Prompt Tuesday, MC Thursday
3rd hour = Synthesis Monday, Dual Prompt Thursday, MC Friday
5th hour = Synthesis Monday, Dual Prompt Thursday, MC Next Tuesday

And to add some levity to the mix, don't forget to vote for my AP Lang shoes this year. Each person has 2 votes per day - and you are welcome to stop by on non-class days to vote too!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Review and good-bye

Today you did the card toss to review terms and definitions, and then you reviewed items in your portfolio in order to set a strategy to improve your performance on the next practice AP exam and the real thing, coming soon.

Ms. Gianini will be back with you on Monday. So, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for being patient with me while I tried to fill her high heels (haha). I enjoyed getting to know you, I hope you learned a little, and I can't wait to hear how well you do on the AP test.

Best wishes,
Mrs. Bubenik

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

RA mini prompt

Today we finished writing and did a peer review of the RA mini prompt (just an introduction and two body paragraphs). Hold onto that for Thursday. Tomorrow we'll be writing another mini prompt -- this one over Pride & Prejudice. Then on Thursday you'll be turning in both prompts along with everything from the chapter 6 review for one large grade.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Review Continues

Today 1st and 5th hours took the multiple choice quiz over passages 6A and 6B, which led to a lot of discussion of the answers. Your homework is to do a close read of 6C and complete the chart.

In 3rd hour, we discussed 6B and completed the chart. Up next, a multiple choice quiz over 6A and 6B.

Next week we'll continue the review of close reading, rhetorical analysis, and multiple choice questions.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Review Begins

On Tuesday we finished our review analysis of your first full AP test. Then we moved into a review of close reading, rhetorical analysis and multiple choice, beginning with assignment 6A. Homework was to complete the 6A chart. Up next, a similar assignment with 6B.

Monday, April 8, 2019

More Review Analyses

Today we continued doing a review analysis of your first full AP exam by finishing the multiple choice portion and examining the rhetorical analysis. Tomorrow we'll finish the review analyses with argument and synthesis. Following that we'll begin a significant review of close reading and testing strategies.

Friday, April 5, 2019

AP Test Review

Today we reviewed most of the multiple choice portion of your first full AP exam, and by 3:30 p.m. everyone will have turned in your kings and queens synthesis essay. Whew!

On Monday we'll finish up the review of the MC portion of the test and begin reviewing the writing prompts. This will soon lead us to some review activities before you tackle another practice AP exam.