- Narration - a story, usually in first person point of view, connecting the audience to the text
- Description - five senses and imagery to create a picture of a scene, a person, an object
- Process Analysis - directions to either complete a task or be able to understand a task's complexity
- Cause & Effect - the why and the result and how these intersect to comprehend an event, an action
- Classification - dividing a complicated idea into categories
- Compare & Contrast - how two subjects are alike and different
- Argumentation - with a focus on logos, presenting a logical position on a topic with claim, evidence, warrant, counterclaim, and rebuttal
- Persuasion - with a focus on pathos, attempting to gain audience's favor for your side
- Exemplification - examples from multiple subjects that create an understanding for the audience
- Satire - ridiculing the flaws of human behavior with an intent to change society
Hint: During the first week of class, you will have your first chance to identify modes of discourse. And, the best writers use multiple modes in one passage to further their purposes.